Cars on Demand operates Limo Hire Services across Australia.
Please see below for details on the driver meeting points at various airports and important guidelines regarding what to do in the event of an emergency change to your booking or in the event you cannot locate your driver.
All of our limo drivers will be using name boards (although once we get to know you we might stop using them and you will get a friendly wave from a familiar face as you are coming down the escalators instead).
Please click here to see a list of airport meeting points.
We strongly recommend travellers save these numbers into their mobile phones. This will allow travellers to instantly access assistance at any time during their travels.
COD Australia 1300 638 258
Overseas callers +61 413 905 215
In the event of last minute changes to your trip please call our 24/7 emergency toll free numbers.
Let us know so you can avoid any No Show or Waiting Time charges. Please note, we will do our best to accommodate your changes but some charges may apply depending on the nature of the changes (see Terms & Conditions for details).
Please call Cars on Demand (numbers listed above) if you cannot locate your driver in the designated spot and have not received an sms.
If you leave without calling Cars on Demand you will be charged the full cost of the trip and possibly waiting time (see Terms & Conditions for details).
COD Drivers will arrive outside a designated home or office address at least 10 minutes prior to pick-up time.
The driver will send a text message to the passenger and await further instruction. There is a 10min courtesy waiting period. After that, charges will apply (see Terms & Conditions for details).